Nico Rosberg announces his retirement from Formula One racing

Nico Rosberg has announced his retirement from Formula One less than a week after being crowned Formula One world champion 2016 in Abu Dhabi.

Nico Rosberg made the announcement at a press conference ahead of the FIA prize giving in Vienna, Austria where he is due to be presented with the championship trophy. He made clear that after achieving his childhood dream of being crowned Formula One world champion, he wanted to spend more time with his family and wife Vivian and young daughter away from the pressures of the F1 speeding circus.

"So, it's a very special day today to receive the trophy this evening, but for another reason as well," he said. "I want to take the opportunity to announce I've decided to end my Formula One career in this moment here, on Monday. To explain, ever since I started, when I was six years old, I had a very, very clear dream, and that was to become Formula One world champion. It was very clear in my mind, as long as I can think when I was growing up. Now I've achieved that, I've put everything into it for 25 years of racing, "With the help of everyone around me, with the help of fans, my family, my friends, I've managed to achieve it this year. It's been an incredible experience for me I will remember forever. At the same time it's been very very tough, the last two years losing to Lewis were extremely difficult moments for me which fuelled my motivation in a way I didn't even know was possible, to fight back and to achieve my dream finally. This year was extremely tough as I put absolutely everything into it, I left no stone unturned from Austin last year where I suffered a lot after the loss. Said Nico Rosberg.

It meant so much to him and it took so much out of him to be finally Formula One world champion, that he has decided to go out at the top of his game. He beat one of the all time greatest to the championship and that deserve a lot of credit and his retirement decision needs our respect.
Well done Nico Rosberg. Good luck for the future to you and your family.Thank you for bringing honor to the championship and for an entire career of entertainment.
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